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Welcome to the world of mystery. I hereby telling you to enjoy wasting your time here.
Black★Rock Shooter
This story have 8 episodes in total and one OVA. I won't tell much about the story, cause I really don't get the story meaning so much. just enjoy the Black Rock Shooter cool fighting style along with the great music played during the fight and the friendship blooms between Mato Kuroi and Yomi Takanashi. Black Rock Shooter is Mato Kuroi's other self according to Yuu Kotari. Yuu Kotari is Mato's childhood friend, their close relationship makes Yomi jealous of them.
Yomi also have a childhood friend, but she's a bit insane until would go through made a love shaped scar to Yomi's body, her name is Kagari Izuriha. After Black Rock Shooter defeated Kagari Izuriha's other self, Kagari come back to her sense. Later, Kagari attend school again and have so many friends. This make Yomi more and more stressed that she thought Kagari couldn't live without her, but she actually can. There's also their teacher who happens to be a consultant to every student, she's rather scary and mysterious...
Well, this story is all about mysterious. I don't really get it much. Like I said, just enjoy the cool fighting style, and the friendships story, the rest I don't really get the meaning. This anime/manga have an RPG game too, but I don't know what. Never see it. Oh and this anime opening song is Hatsune Miku's voice. Don't you know or realize? What makes me watch this is actually because Black Rock Shooter looks so much alike Hatsune Miku.

Well, this story is all about mysterious. I don't really get it much. Like I said, just enjoy the cool fighting style, and the friendships story, the rest I don't really get the meaning. This anime/manga have an RPG game too, but I don't know what. Never see it. Oh and this anime opening song is Hatsune Miku's voice. Don't you know or realize? What makes me watch this is actually because Black Rock Shooter looks so much alike Hatsune Miku.
The tiny bird flies in the blue sky. The sea reflects the blue of the sky. The blue reflection is the sea of the sky. The sea of the sky cries blue tears. Among those blue tears, the tiny bird flies.
~Mato Kuroi
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