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Welcome to the world of mystery. I hereby telling you to enjoy wasting your time here.
Watashi ni xx Shinasai
The manga tells about a girl named Yukina Himuro who happens to be an author of a cell phone novel. Her nickname in her cell phone novel's Yupina. She's called Snow Woman by other student in her school due to her looks and all. She used the life around her to make it into a novel. Later, she met a boy named Shigure Kitami, the the school council president, who's nice to all girls and keep smiling. Yukina knows his secret that his smile is a fake, and then Shigure's forced to love-act for her novel.
As time goes by, turns out Shigure fell in love with Yukina and getting close more often. Yukina cousin, Akira Shimotsuki, who always together with her, now's seldom seen with her, due to Yukina and Shigure getting close. Because of that, Akira realize he actually love Yukina, and decided to take back Yukina from Shigure. Shigure doesn't want to give up and so he become rival with Akira Shimotsuki.

Then enters Shigure Kitami's little brother, Hisame Kitami, who loves to screw with everyone who's important to Shigure, including Mami Mizuno. His next victim is Yukina Himuro. The plot thickens from there. What will happen to Yukina and Shigure later on?
Do you always fake your smile like that?
~Yukina Himuro

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