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Welcome to the world of mystery. I hereby telling you to enjoy wasting your time here.
Alice Academy/Gakuen Alice
This story starts with a two bestfriends named Mikan Sakura who's cheerful and very loud girl with Hotaru Imai who's a dry talker and expresionless person. Even though, Hotaru cares about Mikan a lot, because it has always been Mikan's smiles which makes Hotaru Imai's world and Mikan's smiles are the reason behind Hotaru Imai's smile. They're schoolmates. One day, Hotaru have to changed school, because she found out that she has an alice like her brother. Her parents reluctantly sent her to the Alice Academy school, but did it anyway. She didn't tell Mikan a lot why she would exchanged school, and didn't say goodbye properly, so that Mikan protested. But Hotaru left Mikan behind anyway.
After that, Mikan miss her bestfriend. She sent some letters but she also knew none of those letters Hotaru would reply. This made Mikan's ambition's high. She left her grandfather and went to the place called Alice Academy to find Hotaru and went to that school with her. At first, Mikan's not accepted to go to that school because she don't have any alice. But one of the teacher, Anjo L. Narumi, found out Mikan have a nullification alice and she then entered the Alice Academy.

The comedy is so great even though sometimes the comedy is forced. This anime only have season 1. This story continues more in manga, and have more characters to know about and more romance between Natsume and Mikan. This anime/manga have a game, I don't play it, but people said it was a game boy game. And in the game, Natsume kissed by some random girl. Until now I'm still curious who the hell is that... too bad I didn't have a gameboy... And too bad that the DS game is in Japanese, not translated into English.
The woman I love as I see her sink in the same darkness I am in, what damn things might happen in the future... The future that you guys want, I don’t care about that. From now on, whatever happens, I’ll protect this person.
~Natsume Hyuuga
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