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1. Pendekatan Keruangan (Spasial) Pendekatan keruangan adalah upaya dalam mengkaji rangkaian persamaan dari perbedaan fenomena geosfer dal...
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Struktur Utama Bumi 1. Litosfer (lapisan batuan pembentuk kulit bumi/kerak bumi atau crust) Litosfer berasal dari kata lithos berarti ...
Welcome to the world of mystery. I hereby telling you to enjoy wasting your time here.
xxxHolic means addicted into something xxx. It doesn't mean porn. About a highschool boy named Kimihiro Watanuki. Who stumbled upon a shop when he's about to go home. The shop's owner, Yuuko Ichihara, tricked him to buying and he has to pay. His watch become his payment. But it wasn't enough, so he ended up working in that shop. So, he went to that shop to work afterschool everyday. With Maru, Moro and Mokona as Yuuko's assistant, all of them make a weird bond in that shop. All of them were like a sitcom or something.
Watanuki seen to have two close friends at school. They are Shizuka Doumeki and Himawari Kunogi. Watanuki have a crush on Himawari. And Himawari often praise Doumeki that always make Watanuki jealous. The three of them almost like best friends, they go everywhere together, eat together, especially Kimihiro Watanuki bonds with Shizuka Doumeki.
There's also a girl named Kohane Tsuyuri, who laters marry Shizuka Doumeki but she treasures Watanuki Kimihiro more as an important person in her life, and Doumeki didn't mind that. This anime have a manga. I prefer the anime though. This anime contains a lot supernatural, but I won't tell any of it. I just care about the wise and comedy things we could get from the story. You're seeing this is no coincidence, it could be your fate to watch this anime and learn. This anime connected to Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.
Watanuki seen to have two close friends at school. They are Shizuka Doumeki and Himawari Kunogi. Watanuki have a crush on Himawari. And Himawari often praise Doumeki that always make Watanuki jealous. The three of them almost like best friends, they go everywhere together, eat together, especially Kimihiro Watanuki bonds with Shizuka Doumeki.

Everyone's here. People far and near so though you're alone, you're not the only one Watanuki.
~Mokona Modoki
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