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Welcome to the world of mystery. I hereby telling you to enjoy wasting your time here.
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
This tells about an archeologist who's in the middle of investigating just got back to his home to get something. His name's Syaoran. He met Sakura Kinomoto, his old friend. Later, Sakura lost her memory (because the wings scattered through the worlds), and Syaoran's ordered by Sakura's older brother to bring back the old Sakura back and sent him to Yuuko Ichihara shop. When Syaoran arrived there, there's also Kurogane and Fai D. Flourite who also sent there because some reasons. This story connects to xxxHolic anime.
This story is like the sequel of Cardcaptor Sakura. So then, the 4 of them, Kurogane, Fai D. Flourite, Syaoran, and Sakura along with Mokona Modoki travels to bring back the old Sakura Kinomoto, the princess they all used to know. In their adventures, they face problems and solutions. And oh yeah, Kurogane was sent to Yuuko Ichihara shop because of Tomoyo Daidouji, the kingdom's princess.
At first they don't cooperate very good, but later they become close friends and hold strong bonds and even care for each other and won't leave anyone behind. This anime and manga have ended. It have a Nintendo DS game. But it's in Japanese. Go watch this anime! It have good romance!
Uhh.. Syaoran.. it's okay if you don't have any more feelings for me, that doesn't matter to me at all. But I'm in love with you and I just wanted you to know, that's all.
~Sakura Kinomoto
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