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Welcome to the world of mystery. I hereby telling you to enjoy wasting your time here.
Jake Hunter Detective Chronicles Memories of The Past

Jake Hunter have many friends to help him investigate cases. He's calm, cool and composed like any other detectives. He's not exactly fond of dogs. His friend who would usually help him in lab investigation is Sam who often works for the police and knows Kingsley as well as Jake does. Everyone called him Mr. Hunter. Yulia called him Jake out of blue whenever they're in danger.
Jake Hunter have a quite good fighting styles, hook, straight and uppercut. It's a useful skill in being a detective. Another great skill of his is that he could threaten so well and people easily cracked. He even know that silence sometimes make people talk. He's also good at solving hard puzzles. Even though, sometimes Yulia helps him a lot when it comes to intelligence and language speaking. Jake cares a lot about Yulia and so is Jake to her. In some part, they leave hints where they might liked each other. When Jake's client is his old friend who used to be his ex, Yulia happens to found out Jake's unusual act and Jake also noticed Yulia have been asking a lot. Sometimes Jake's cases always involved in some street gangs.
...I don't believe this. Look, I realize you're just trying to look out for me, in your own macho, arrogant way... ...But I'm part of the Hunter Detective Agency just like you! I know what the risks are, and I accept them. Look, sir, it might be your name on the sign, but I'm just as much a part of this detective agency as you are. I've got my pride, just like you do, and I want to see this through to the end. And I... I worry... I worry about...
~Yulia Marks
Another Code: Two Memories/Trace Memory & Another Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories
This CING game is also talking about the past too like Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and Last Window: Hotel Cape West. But the difference is, that this is talking about past because they lost memories. They search for truth what really happened. Ashley Mizuki Robbins is Richard Robbins' daughter. She's looking for her father whom she thought supposed to be dead like her mom who passed away when she was 3 years old. She came to Blood Edward Island like her father ordered her, with her aunt, Jessica, and in there, she met a boy who called himself D, a ghost. Ashley happens to be one of the few people who can see D. D forgot his name so he called himself D. Ashley will discover the truth of Edward's family there and found her father.

The game's sequel is on Wii. Couldn't explain about this so much, since I didn't play it, but I watch the game through youtube, cause I don't have a Wii. In Another Code R, Ashley found more truths about her mother. She also met Matthew Crusoe who's searching for his father. This game took place in Lake Juliet. This game and the DS game are both RPG game so you can move it around, when you met events, you need to solve them, once you did, you proceed to the next room.
There are things that hinted to be connected to CING's other games. For example:
1. Ashley's parents name "Robbins" is similar to Robins hospital in Hotel Dusk: Room 215 which Kevin Woodward mentioned.
2. Ashley go to Blood Edward island with a boat accompanied by the captain. It was rumored that the captain is the husband of Rosa Fox in Hotel Dusk: Room 215.
3. Ashley's mother passed away but her father's still alive. Kyle's father passed away but his mother's still alive. Both killed by guns.

The game's sequel is on Wii. Couldn't explain about this so much, since I didn't play it, but I watch the game through youtube, cause I don't have a Wii. In Another Code R, Ashley found more truths about her mother. She also met Matthew Crusoe who's searching for his father. This game took place in Lake Juliet. This game and the DS game are both RPG game so you can move it around, when you met events, you need to solve them, once you did, you proceed to the next room.
There are things that hinted to be connected to CING's other games. For example:
1. Ashley's parents name "Robbins" is similar to Robins hospital in Hotel Dusk: Room 215 which Kevin Woodward mentioned.
2. Ashley go to Blood Edward island with a boat accompanied by the captain. It was rumored that the captain is the husband of Rosa Fox in Hotel Dusk: Room 215.
3. Ashley's mother passed away but her father's still alive. Kyle's father passed away but his mother's still alive. Both killed by guns.
The sea was very calm, but my heart was a storm of emotion.
~Ashley Mizuki Robbins
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 & Last Window: Hotel Cape West
Hotel Dusk: Room 215. No! It's not about a horror! This story is about a mystery of what happened in the past that full of questions. There's no murder, but there are murderers in the story's past memories. And some more mysteries in every each character's backgrounds. They all are connected to each other. What you don't understand and what was not revealed in the end, was probably intended to let gamers interpret themselves about what happen and make a lot of fanfiction about it. It's about Kyle Hyde. Used to be a cop, but now a salesman who's looking for his partner whom betrays him. He works for Red Crown and was sent to Hotel Dusk under a request from client. On the way there, he met a girl. Who seems to be looking for something. Are you curious now? Once you play, you can't stop from it.

In Hotel Dusk story, all of the plot is talking about Bradley. And only revealed that his dad passed away when he was ten. But, in the sequel, Last Window: Hotel Cape West, his background revealed that he still have a mother. In the sequel, it's talking about his father case in the past when, who and how he was killed. For this one, you can also read the novel inside the game after you finished each chapters, the novel is made by Martin Summer, a character from Hotel Dusk: Room 215. There are many complicated truths that contradicts each other, leading to more questions. This is great game. And each of your action make changes in novel story plot.
This is when he used to be a cop. Cool guy isn't he? Yes he is. But he is also the greatest slacker on earth. Oh yeah, this game is from CING. The Last Window: Hotel Cape West is the last game CING developed. I loved this game and also Another Code: Two Memories/Trace Memory and Another Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories. There are from CING. And they will always be interesting games to play, I don't know how many times I've played it. Maybe 3? 5? Oh don't miss this game.

In Hotel Dusk story, all of the plot is talking about Bradley. And only revealed that his dad passed away when he was ten. But, in the sequel, Last Window: Hotel Cape West, his background revealed that he still have a mother. In the sequel, it's talking about his father case in the past when, who and how he was killed. For this one, you can also read the novel inside the game after you finished each chapters, the novel is made by Martin Summer, a character from Hotel Dusk: Room 215. There are many complicated truths that contradicts each other, leading to more questions. This is great game. And each of your action make changes in novel story plot.
This is when he used to be a cop. Cool guy isn't he? Yes he is. But he is also the greatest slacker on earth. Oh yeah, this game is from CING. The Last Window: Hotel Cape West is the last game CING developed. I loved this game and also Another Code: Two Memories/Trace Memory and Another Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories. There are from CING. And they will always be interesting games to play, I don't know how many times I've played it. Maybe 3? 5? Oh don't miss this game.
Listen, I know this may sound weird, but sometimes folks lie out of... sadness. But when you lie, you usually get caught, and then you gotta pay. Even if you think a lie is helping, it usually ain't. Someday that person'll learn the truth, and you'll have to look him in the eye. You'll have to see the pain you caused, and that's a hard thing.
~Kyle Hyde
Touch Detective
An NDS game. It's a mystery game with a unique of story plot twist. The main character is a detective who have an agency in a town, she's young, have a partner named Funghi (Nameko). Cromwell (Jii) who takes care of her often helps in her investigations. I tends to call Cromwell the butler, since he looked like it. And if I'm not mistaken, it's also hinted that he isn't a human. Mackenzie (English name), Rina Ozawa (Japanese name) have two close friends, named Penelope (Manami) who seems to be a weirdo but very funny, and Chloe (Chitose) who seems to be Mackenzie's rival in investigating just because she doesn't want to lose. The other characters who are involved are introduced along with the plot. Some plot or most of the plot are full of extreme fantasy, so don't think much of it. And while you're investigating, if you're stuck, think about the weirdest thing ever.
Hmm... here's the screenshot for Touch Detective 3. Let's see, I'm curious who's that blue kid. Who do you think is that? Mackenzie's brother? Sister? Long lost twin? Or just appeared rival? I'm curious to no end. Who is this kid? Who? Who? Oh yeah, it's a very interesting and enjoyable game, so just make sure not to miss this.
In the 1/2 series, Mackenzie is not only faced by culprits, but the main antagonist of every story. The antagonist is called Cornstalker who targets something important and want to do something about it (or make problems). In the 1/2 series there's also a police woman Inspector Daria. And I have suspicion that Connor might be the real identity for Cornstalker, I still don't know though, I'm waiting for the Touch Detective 3. But too bad it's for 3DS it seems and it was released in 2013 only in Japan. Hmm... Will it be translated? This is one of the games that are from Atlus.

Everyone makes mistakes, but it's better than not doing anything at all.
Dinamika Antroposfer
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepadatan suatu wilayah di antaranya adalah faktor fisiologis, biologi, teknologi dan kebudayaan. Antroposfer berasal dari bahasa latin, anthropos (manusia) dan sphere (lapisan).
Faktor yang mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia adalah adanya pertambahan penduduk karena kelahiran dan perpindahan ke dalam wilayah tersebut. Dan adanya kematian dan perpindahan keluar dari wilayah tersebut.
1. Demografi dan Ilmu Kependudukan
DemografiIlmu yang mempelajari mengenai dinamika penduduk yang dipengaruhi oleh kelahiran (fertilitas), kematian (mortalitas), dan perpindahan (migrasi).
Dinamika/Perubahan Penduduk
Pertambahan penduduk, ciri-ciri penduduk (umur, jenis kelamin), komposisi penduduk, status perkawinan, kepadatan penduduk, dll.
Ilmu Kependudukan
Ilmu yang berusaha menjawab mengapa terjadi perubahan-perubahan variabel demografi. Juga mempelajari penduduk yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan hidupnya (sandang, pangan), serta penduduk dengan lingkungan.
2. Pertumbuhan Penduduk di Dunia
Menurut Thompson & Lewis meliputi 5 periode:Periode 1650-1800

Periode 1800-1850
Meningkatnya laju pertumbuhan penduduk yang cukup tinggi (Eropa). Karena stabilnya kondisi politik dan meningkatnya kesadaran terhadapt kesehatan lingkungan.
Periode 1850-1900
Kemajuan teknologi mendorong produktivitas manusia. Fertilitas di negara barat menurun karena sudah mulai sadar bahwa pertumbuhan penduduk dapat dikendalikan melalui usaha penurunan tingkat kelahiran.
Periode 1900-1930
Perang dunia 1 mengakibatkan Negara Eropa Barat dan Amerika Serikat mampu mengendalikan pertumbuhan penduduk; negara Eropa Timur, Afrika Utara, Amerika Latin serta Jepang usaha penurunan angka kelahiran belum berhasil; negara berkembang mengalami kelahiran dan kematian yang cukup tinggi.
Periode 1930-Sekarang
Periode peledakan penduduk karena pasca perang dunia 2. Berkembangnya teknologi modern, serta meningkatnya pelayanan kesehatan.
3. Metode Menghitung Jumlah Penduduk
a. Sensus Penduduk
Disebut juga cacah jiwa, merupakan pencatatan total tentang penduduk yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah, komposisi, dan karakteristik penduduk yang dilaksanakan setiap sepuluh tahun sekali.Sensus de facto
Penghitungan penduduk/pencacahan jiwa yang dikenakan pada setiap orang pada waktu diadakan pencacahan.
Sensus de jure
Penghitungan penduduk hanya dikenakan kepada penduduk yang benar-benar bertempat tinggal di negara tersebut.
b. Registrasi Penduduk

c. Survei Penduduk
Sama dengan sensus, namun hanya dilakukan pada beberapa daerah yang dijadikan contoh dari perhitungan penduduk.
Piramida Penduduk
Gambaran dari komposisi penduduk menurut umur dan jenis kelamin dalam bentuk grafik.
a. Piramida Penduduk Muda (Expansive/Ekspansif)
Suatu wilayah yang memeliki angka kelahiran yang tinggi dan angka kematian yang rendah (pertumbuhan penduduk cepat). Berbentuk segitiga seperti limas.
Contoh: Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, India.
b. Piramida Penduduk Stasioner
Suatu wilayah yang memiliki angka kelahiran dan angka kematian sama-sama rendah (seimbang). Berbentuk seperti granat.
Contoh: Eropa Barat
c. Piramida Penduduk Tua (Constructive/Konstruktif)
Suatu wilayah memiliki angka kelahiran yang menurun dengan cepat dan tingkat kematian yang rendah. Berbentuk seperti batu nisan.
Contoh: Amerika Serikat
1. Pertumbuhan Penduduk Alami
Dihitung dari selisih antara kelahiran dan kematian suatu wilayah.
2. Pertumbuhan Penduduk Total
Dihitung dari suatu pertambahan penduduk yang tidak hanya merupakan selisih kelahiran dan kematian, namun juga memperhatikan migrasi penduduk.
3. Angka Kelahiran Kasar (Crude Birth Rate)
Jumlah kelahiran tiap 1.000 penduduk setiap tahun.
4. Angka Kelahiran Menurut Umur (Age Specific Birth Rate)
Pembagian menurut jenis kelamin dan golongan umur. Angka yang menunjukkan jumlah kelahiran setiap 1000 wanita golongan umur tertentu setiap tahun.
5. Angka Kematian Kasar (Crude Death Rate)
Banyaknya kematian setiap 1.000 orang dalam setahun.
6. Angka Kematian Menurut Umur (Age Specific Death Rate)
Banyak kematian dari 1.000 penduduk usia tertentu dalam waktu setahun.7. Pertumbuhan Penduduk
Bertambahnya penduduk yang selalu meningkat setiap tahunnya. Pertumbuhan penduduk alami:
CBR - CDR x 100%
8. Proyeksi Penduduk
Jumlah penduduk pada waktu yang akan datang (perkiraan).
9. Kepadatan Penduduk
Jumlah penduduk suatu wilayah (jiwa) dibagi luas wilayah (km²).
Kepadatan penduduk aritmatik
Kepadatan penduduk per satuan luas. Jumlah penduduk dibagi luas wilayah.
Kepadatan penduduk fisiologis
Jumlah penduduk tiap kilometer persegi tanah pertanian. Jumlah penduduk dibagi luas lahan pertanian.
Kepadatan penduduk agraris
Jumlah penduduk petani tiap km² tanah pertanian. Jumlah penduduk petani dibagi luas lahan pertanian.
Kepadatan penduduk ekonomi
Jumlah penduduk pada suatu wilayah didasarkan atas kemampuan wilayah yang bersangkutan.
10. Menghitung Angkatan Kerja
TPAK = Jumlah angkatan kerja/Jumlah penduduk usia kerja dikali 100%.
Mobilitas Penduduk
Gerakan penduduk/perpindahan penduduk dari tempat yang satu ke tempat yang lain.
Perpindahan penduduk dari tempat satu ke tempat yang lain dengan tujuan menetap.
Imigrasi adalah masuknya penduduk negara lain ke suatu negara.
Emigrasi adalah keluarnya penduduk suatu negara ke negara lain.
Remigrasi adalah kembalinya emigran ke negara asalnya.
Transmigrasi adalah perpindahan penduduk dari suatu wilayah ke wilayah lain dalam satu wilayah negara.
Urbanisasi adalah perpindahan penduduk dari desa ke kota.
Mobilitas sirkuler adalah gerakan penduduk sementara.
Mobilitas ulang-alik adalah gerakan penduduk dalam waktu 24 jam, pulang pada hari yang sama.
Mobilitas ulang-alik adalah gerakan penduduk dalam waktu 24 jam, pulang pada hari yang sama.
Shingeki No Kyojin/Attack on Titan
A story about people surrounded by walls. Living in fear of titans. I'm sure people have seen a lot of this review, so maybe this will be converted into a quick one. So when Eren, Mikasa and Armin was a kid, a collosal titan broke the wall entrance. Many titans entered the wall. One of them killed, err... one of them ate Eren's mother. Meanwhile, it was unknown about Eren's father whereabouts who happens to be in an adventure somewhere (or research).
Since then Eren, Mikasa and Armin decided to join the scouting legion and kill titans. Many of them are eaten, including Eren. Then everyone find out that Eren didn't die, because he could turn into titans. He protected Mikasa and destroy the titans. Later, Eren was in court. Whether he should be handed to survey corps with Rivaille like he wanted to, or to be handed to military police and get killed. Eren ends up being in the survey corps, and so are the others who followed him to survey corps later. In process of capturing female titan, many of Rivaille's squad died. And the female titan eventually ran away.
Soon, they doubt Annie. Armin pretend to ask for Annie's help to hide Eren until they are in safe place, while Jean disguised as Eren and pretend to be captured. It was an ambush for Annie. But she managed to turn to female titan and fought Eren. She lost and was frozen solid. In the manga, it was already told that the other titans who appears when Eren was a kid were Bertolt and Reiner as the collosal titan and armored titan. In the OVA, it was revealed that one of the Rivaille's squad escape because her city was attacked by titans. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her and keep writting her journal every details. And then, she met a titan lurking in the forest. The titan talks and it thought she was someone else. She kept writting her journal until her head was eaten and her body was put in a tree. Rivaille squad discover her journal, and Hanji Zoe make it as a proof that it's important to investigate titans more.
Since then Eren, Mikasa and Armin decided to join the scouting legion and kill titans. Many of them are eaten, including Eren. Then everyone find out that Eren didn't die, because he could turn into titans. He protected Mikasa and destroy the titans. Later, Eren was in court. Whether he should be handed to survey corps with Rivaille like he wanted to, or to be handed to military police and get killed. Eren ends up being in the survey corps, and so are the others who followed him to survey corps later. In process of capturing female titan, many of Rivaille's squad died. And the female titan eventually ran away.
Soon, they doubt Annie. Armin pretend to ask for Annie's help to hide Eren until they are in safe place, while Jean disguised as Eren and pretend to be captured. It was an ambush for Annie. But she managed to turn to female titan and fought Eren. She lost and was frozen solid. In the manga, it was already told that the other titans who appears when Eren was a kid were Bertolt and Reiner as the collosal titan and armored titan. In the OVA, it was revealed that one of the Rivaille's squad escape because her city was attacked by titans. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her and keep writting her journal every details. And then, she met a titan lurking in the forest. The titan talks and it thought she was someone else. She kept writting her journal until her head was eaten and her body was put in a tree. Rivaille squad discover her journal, and Hanji Zoe make it as a proof that it's important to investigate titans more.
I don't know which option you should choose. I could never advise you on that... No matter what kind of wisdom dictates you the option you pick, no one will be able to tell if it's right or wrong until you arrive to some sort of outcome from your choice. The only thing we're allowed to do... is believe that we won't regret the choice we made.
The story is about Yuuki Shinjuurou and Inga. Shinjuurou titled as the defeated detective (seems not fun?). Well, what he did is only revealing every truths and leave to the police whether they will follow his logic or not and leave him as a loser. His real name isn't really Shinjuurou, he got his name changed before the episodes, which is explained in the prequel movie. No one knows what his real given name is. On the other hand, Inga... isn't a human but a monster. It's a he in that form, but later can be she in another form and when she ask a question one should answer no matter what. Only one question though.
Sometimes Shinjuurou happened to be at the crime scene or asked to investigate either by the client itself or by the police. The technique of the mysteries plot are quite making audience curious. The explanation for some cases are awesome. Also in the middle episodes there will be new main character named Kazamori Sasa. It's an artificial intellegent.
Do you know Yu-gi-oh? Shinjuurou resembles Seto Kaiba... right? Oh well. And there are also other characters, the well known detective who only use computer to investigate, a prosecutor, and a police. It is also hinted that the well known detective's daughter have a certain interest in Shinjuurou.
Don't summarize my life with such cheap words.
~Shinjuurou Yuuki
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