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Welcome to the world of mystery. I hereby telling you to enjoy wasting your time here.
Azumanga Daioh
This is a comedy anime. The story begins with a girl named Chiyo Mihama, a ten years old girl, who happens to transfer to a senior high school, due to her geniusness. She met friends there, like Sakaki, a cat lover, Kagura, the sport prodigy, Tomo Takino, a weirdo who seems to always messing around and joke, Koyomi Mizuhara, the girl who seems the only one to be normal among them. With these characters joined together, they created comedy moments that several are laughable and several are weird.
After Chiyo transferred, a little bit latter, the weirdest girl named Ayumu Kasuga transferred there from Osaka. Along with their crazy homeroom teacher and their PE teacher, they together form a quite unique (or weird) playmate ever. They start to go have a trip together along with their teachers. Some interesting event happens between it.
They also thought of mysterious things, like Chiyo's hair, the cat who can talk and suspected to be someone's father, the teacher who addicted to girls especially the minor girl character named Kaori, who happens to have a crush or inspire Sakaki. They have time where they're separated in class, yet, they're still going on with their ridiculous speech.
After Chiyo transferred, a little bit latter, the weirdest girl named Ayumu Kasuga transferred there from Osaka. Along with their crazy homeroom teacher and their PE teacher, they together form a quite unique (or weird) playmate ever. They start to go have a trip together along with their teachers. Some interesting event happens between it.
They also thought of mysterious things, like Chiyo's hair, the cat who can talk and suspected to be someone's father, the teacher who addicted to girls especially the minor girl character named Kaori, who happens to have a crush or inspire Sakaki. They have time where they're separated in class, yet, they're still going on with their ridiculous speech.
Sometime last night... I was all alone in my room...When suddenly outta nowhere... I smelled a fart that wasn't mine.
~Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga
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