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Hayate The Combat Butler/Hayate No Gotoku

Parents who always have debts with people, have a son named Hayate Ayasaki who work for his living. One day, his parents left him with the debts and said they went holiday, also stole Hayate Ayasaki's wage from his work. The debt collectors were keeping tabs on him, thus he run away and bumped into a girl who's so wealthy, named Nagi Sanzenin. Hayate saved the girl from kidnappers, afterwards Nagi hired him as a butler. She also misunderstood Hayate acts, and fall in love with him immediately. In this anime, there are many reference the characters will mention, just like in Gintama anime or Lucky Star anime.
Nagi have a maid named Maria. Maria then showed Hayate around and teach him. Later, Hayate also going to school with Nagi and meet Nagi's friends, they're the trio Miki Hanabishi, Izumi Segawa, Risa Asakaze. Those trio are fans of Hinagiku Katsura, the school student council president, who accidentally have a crush on Hayate too. While the trio are just playing around with Hayate. And sometimes Nagi jealous that she was left by Hayate alone. Nagi also have a childhood friend who seems to come by to her house so often, her name is Sakuya Aizawa. She tends to play pranks on Hayate sometimes and tease Nagi, becoming a troublemaker. Hayate also have an old friend named Ayumu Nishizawa, who have a crush on Hayate too.
In manga story, Nagi ambition to become a mangaka progress is faster than the anime. She founds someone who she thought could help her to be a mangaka. This anime have a game 2 Nintendo DS and 1 PSP. They're:
1. Hayate no Gotoku! Ojō-sama Produce Daisakusen Bokuiro ni Somare! (NDS)
2. Hayate no Gotoku!Boku ga Romeo de Romeo ga Boku (NDS)
3. Hayate no Gotoku!! Nightmare Paradise (PSP)
2. Hayate no Gotoku!Boku ga Romeo de Romeo ga Boku (NDS)
3. Hayate no Gotoku!! Nightmare Paradise (PSP)
The reason I don't play it, because the game's in Japanese language, and I don't understand a thing. The character Sanzenin Nagi appearance resemble Sonya from Kill Me Baby.
Isn't there anything we can do to save her?! I'll do it no matter how dangerous it is! I'll give you all the lives I have! She's a very important person! She's a person I can't afford to lose!
~Hayate Ayasaki
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