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1. Aspek Fisik dan Aspek Sosial Aspek fisik bersifat alamiah meliputi: bantuan bumi, mineral dan struktur batuan, air, cuaca dan iklim, fl...
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Struktur Utama Bumi 1. Litosfer (lapisan batuan pembentuk kulit bumi/kerak bumi atau crust) Litosfer berasal dari kata lithos berarti ...
Welcome to the world of mystery. I hereby telling you to enjoy wasting your time here.
Cinderella's Stepsister/Sinderella Eonni
Eun-jo, a girl who trust none and live strong on her own. She lost her father years ago, she live with her mother. Her mother likes money, and so, she remarries Dae-sung who happens to be the head of a traditional rice wine brewery. Eun-jo doesn't care about her mother's plan and goes through the lives without care anyway.
Dae-sung have a daughter, her name is Hyo-sun. She has a totally opposite character compared to Eun-Jo. She's loud, bright, happy, and kind. While Eun-jo tends to speak so dry and only when it's needed, expressionless, sad (but strong), later found to be kind.

The first problem is Eun-jo can't stand her way of talking and all, next problem's when Eun-jo happens to make a relationship with the brewery staff named Ki-hoon. Hyo-sun likes Ki-hoon, but Ki-hoon seems to like Eun-jo, and then Eun-jo likes Ki-hoon. This makes Hyo-sun thought Eun-jo takes everything from her, her father, Ki-hoon and etc. by her genius brain.
There's also Jung-woo who Eun-jo always treat as little brother before, now's a man who tries to win Eun-jo's heart. With whom Eun-jo might end up with? What will happen to Hyo-sun? What will happen to the whole family for the best ending? Watch the drama!
Dae-sung have a daughter, her name is Hyo-sun. She has a totally opposite character compared to Eun-Jo. She's loud, bright, happy, and kind. While Eun-jo tends to speak so dry and only when it's needed, expressionless, sad (but strong), later found to be kind.

The first problem is Eun-jo can't stand her way of talking and all, next problem's when Eun-jo happens to make a relationship with the brewery staff named Ki-hoon. Hyo-sun likes Ki-hoon, but Ki-hoon seems to like Eun-jo, and then Eun-jo likes Ki-hoon. This makes Hyo-sun thought Eun-jo takes everything from her, her father, Ki-hoon and etc. by her genius brain.
There's also Jung-woo who Eun-jo always treat as little brother before, now's a man who tries to win Eun-jo's heart. With whom Eun-jo might end up with? What will happen to Hyo-sun? What will happen to the whole family for the best ending? Watch the drama!
It hurts when I don’t see him, and when I do. It hurts whether he’s here, or whether he’s not. Hurts whether he smiles at me, or smiles at someone else. Hurts whether he calls my name, or doesn’t. As long as I don’t disappear into the earth, I think I’ll continue to feel hurt, Jung-woo, but still, being here is better. Being able to see him and hate him is better than him not being here.

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