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Kill Me Baby
I put her up there in a special place, in case everyone's forgotten about her. What was her name again? Unused character? Yeah, that's it. Anyway, this anime is hilarious, really. Bunch of silliness happen when there's an assassin named Sonya, a ninja named Agiri Goshiki, an unused character, and a normal girl named Oribe Yasuna, in one school. The school's gone crazy. Even their games are weird. And the ways they act are extreme.
Don't believe me? See that picture on the right? See how silly they were? Yeah that's about it. One thing goes wrong from the script and everything's ruined and in such odd way. I even once wonder if they're actually best friends... or best friends in disguise. Pfftt... well no matter what, they fit to be together.
Minna-san, please watch the anime, ne? Was what Agiri said with her body face upside down. Try to get used to it. Sonya appearance resemble to Sanzenin Nagi from Hayate The Combat Butler.
Minna-san, please watch the anime, ne? Was what Agiri said with her body face upside down. Try to get used to it. Sonya appearance resemble to Sanzenin Nagi from Hayate The Combat Butler.
Sonya! You can't! You can't just kill someone! Some... something bad might happen to you! If that happens... I... I won't be able to play with you anymore! I can't tease you, I can't get hit by you, I can't make weird faces with you, or make pointless poses with you... I won't be able to do any of that anymore!
~Oribe Yasuna
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