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1. Pendekatan Keruangan (Spasial) Pendekatan keruangan adalah upaya dalam mengkaji rangkaian persamaan dari perbedaan fenomena geosfer dal...
1. Aspek Fisik dan Aspek Sosial Aspek fisik bersifat alamiah meliputi: bantuan bumi, mineral dan struktur batuan, air, cuaca dan iklim, fl...
1. Pengertian Stratifikasi Sosial Stratifikasi sosial adalah penilaian yang berbeda antara satu kelompok dan kelompok lain berdasarkan s...
Objek Material Geografi (Fenomena Geosfer/Fenomena Fisik): 1. Litosfer (Lapisan Batuan) 2. Pedosfer (Lapisan Tanah) 3. Atmosfer (Lapi...
1. Prinsip Persebaran (Penyebaran/Distribusi) Gejala geografi baik tentang alam, tumbuhan, hewan, dan manusia yang tersebar secara t...
Permukaan bumi itu memiliki bentuk yang bervariasi, ada bukit, gunung, lembah, lautan, danau, dan dataran. Perbedaan bentuk tersebut dinama...
A. Pengertian Diferensiasi Sosial Menurut etimologi diferensiasi sosial berasal dari kata diferen yang artinya berbeda, atau sosial yang ...
1. Memetakan Persebaran Fenomena Di Permukaan Bumi 2. Penentuan Lokasi Pertanian, Industri, dan Permukiman 3. Penentuan Lokasi Transmigra...
1. Teori kontraksi (Contraction theory) Dikemukakan pertama kali oleh Descrates (1596-1650), bahwa bumi semakin lama semakin susut dan ...
Struktur Utama Bumi 1. Litosfer (lapisan batuan pembentuk kulit bumi/kerak bumi atau crust) Litosfer berasal dari kata lithos berarti ...
Welcome to the world of mystery. I hereby telling you to enjoy wasting your time here.
Ami Kawashima is Yusaku's childhood friend. She seems to be very well polite and friendly in front of most of people. But once you get to know her, she's really a rude and harsh girl you will ever see. Yusaku likes Taiga, but she rejected him, and somehow Taiga thought it was a mistake, and she go after Yusaku because she thought she likes him. But this time Yusaku refused, as he see the progress of how she and Ryuji get along so well and they liked each other. While Minori and Ami happens to have some feelings for Ryuji too.
I don't really like the ending very much, but the plot where Taiga and Ryuuji need to be apart before they get together again is good.
...Crying is a nosebleed of the heart. If you trip while running down a hallway, you'll get a nosebleed. If you trip in life, you'll cry...
~Minori Kushieda
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