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Study Skills
12:16 AM |
Posted by
Haika |
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How to study? It's not that hard, but you just need to do it right. Here are the list of what you should do:
Learn how to study effectively
Choose a quiet place to study
Set a specific time to study
Make sure you have all the study materials you need
Do not procrastinate
Study plan
Create a time chart of your current activities.
Develop a schedule
Determine your study goals
Stick to your schedule
How to manage your time effectively
Make a detailed study schedule and write it down
Prioritize your assignments
Prepare for temptation
Find a productive study environment
Stay organized
Be prepared for class
Learn how to be a good listener
Learn how to take notes in a way that is helpful to you
Compare notes with other students
Review, edit, and organize your notes
Steps on how to read a textbook
Preparation for exam day
Avoid cramming the night before.
Prepare your equipment.
Be physically ready.
Find out as much as you can about the exam before it begins.
During the exam
Read the test directions closely.
Remember to breathe.
Survey the test before beginning.
Read every question closely.
Strategize for multiple-choice and true/false questions.
Look for key words in essay questions.
Don’t get distracted by other students taking the test.
After the exam
Once you have completed your test and double-checked it for mistakes, try not to dwell on how it went.
If you receive your test paper back, look at where you made mistakes to determine your strengths and weaknesses for future attempts.
If your instructor has a test-review session, don’t skip it.
Just after the exam
Save your textbooks.
Hold on to your notebooks.
Back up your data.
Stay in touch with your instructors and peers.
Join a professional organization.
Exercise your working memory
Break down long items into smaller pieces.
Play games that focus on handling information quickly and correctly.
Provide yourself with different forms of stimulation throughout the day.
Keep a handle on your stress levels, using the advice from the previous chapter.
Working out your recall
Practice active listening during class.
When you study your notes, introduce various review techniques.
Study regularly and often—but not always for long periods.
Keep your brain fueled.
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