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Welcome to the world of mystery. I hereby telling you to enjoy wasting your time here.
Infinite Stratos (IS)
I have so many anime to watch. After I watch this one, I thought I finally could move to another anime, but then.... I heard the season 2 is airing!! What??? I have to go through another 12 episodes??? What about other anime??? Ah well, nevermind. This anime called Infinite Stratos. It's full of mecha, action and harem. If only it's not harem, it might've been better if there's another boy cooler character. If it's harem, it's kinda well... unfair to the girls? That's why it's called harem anyway.
And what's more, in season 2, the girl will increase. Not forget to mention the protagonist older sister in the mix. Does it ever happen in your reality? It will bother you when it doesn't. True? At first I thought the harem shouldn't be really too much, but this actually really so much.
There are Laura Bodewig, IS from Germany, Cecilia Alcott from UK, Houki Shinono is the protagonist's childhood friend, Huang Lingyin from China (Rin is her nickname), Charles Dunois (Charlotte is her name later).
There's someone I'd like to protect. I'd like to fight for that someone with all I've got.
~Orimura Ichika
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