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Welcome to the world of mystery. I hereby telling you to enjoy wasting your time here.

What to prepare when you're going abroad?

What to prepare when you're going abroad?

1. Where to go?
First of all, you must decide your destination. Where are you going to go? Indonesia? Arab? Japan? England? Korea? Singapore? Hong Kong? Malaysia? Phillipines? America? China? Wherever you're going to go to, you need some informations about the country you're going to visit. Like... you need to know what are the places you are going to visit and where is that place in the country located... You might not have this problem if you're joining a tour when travelling abroad, you just relax and they search. But it surely won't hurt to collect informations about the country, sometimes a tour give a one day free right? It's not like you're going to spend your whole day in the hotel bedroom, or are you? Oh please, you can't miss the chance going abroad wasting it by laying on the hotel bedroom, we can do it at home, can't we? (Exception if you're staying at THE Venetian Hotel in Macao, don't mind the outside very much, mind the room, the bed and the very awesome huge bathroom I ever seen. ROFL Nuff said. Too embarassing to say that I even took some photos inside that hotel.)  You should also check information about the weather on the country you're going to visit too. Is it cold? Buy some jacket. Is it hot? Buy some ice cream. (Wait... what?)

2. What's the plan?

You know, you need a plan if you don't go abroad with a tour. If you go with a tour, the tour will schedule everything for you, but if you don't, then schedule your plan to abroad yourself. That's why I asked you collect some informations about the country you're going to visit first. Schedule like... 05:00 take off. 03:00 check in. 07:00 go to.... like that... If you don't have a plan, it will waste your time and all things will be a disaster and destroyed. So make a good plan. If you already did, when you're abroad, always obey the schedule, don't ever not obeying it if it isn't so necessary. And also, put the 1st thing you want to visit in the 1st, so that you won't be disappointed if you might not get the chance to visit some in last of the schedule.

3. What to bring?

Do I even have to explain this? Passport... and etc. Don't forget them all serious documents. If you forget, or lose it in the other country you visit, say goodbye to your previous country and trapped in the country you visit. (Note to Otakus, Wotas, J-POPers: Trapped in Japan doesn't mean you can die happily. ROFL.) And oh yeah, if you don't go with tour, not going to travel with bus or other vehicles, but on foot, then your feet shall bring a casual walk shoes. (I've tried not bringing casual walk shoes, but shoes like Crocs... you might be fine in 1-2 days walking. But 3-5 days walking will get your feet swollen and you ended up buying shoes there. YAY NEW SHOES!! (?) Bring your personal medicine too if needed. Don't forget to bring empty bottles too. There are many faucets abroad, so in case you don't want to waste any money, just use the empty bottles to the faucets and store some water. (Truth to be told, that was Indonesian idea. ROFL.)

4. What to train?
No, definetely not train your soccer skills... 
You seriously need to train and prepare your english, you know. Unless you could talk with hands and everyone understand. Train your english fluently or the language of the country you're going to visit, then you won't have any problem. Why? Because sometimes you need to ask people around there. Sure, some won't be very delighted to answer and very busy, but be patient, there are other people who would, it's not like that some people are the last being on earth... And this is not a small world, you can ask anyone there. If they still won't answer, well, let the money talks. 

Some Story of Mine:

1. In Universal, you can find 4 roller coaster. The dragon roller coaster of  Shrek, the mummy roller coaster, the human and cyclon roller coaster. Listen... this is my story... just because you don't have enough time to play all the good things in Universal, don't make it all roller coaster first to ride. Why? I take roller coaster as a priority and first one to ride before it gets crowded, but then what happen to me...? I did 3 roller coaster (Cyclon, Human, Mummy) in a row, next thing I know's that I'm sitting on a rock trying to hold the volcano in my stomach erupt. It won't be funny to vomit in other country's land.

2. In Venetian Hotel Macao, if your reason going here is like mine... Because it's the place where Geum Jan Di and the rest of the gang play the drama... and plan to take picture where they play hide and seek, then let me give this piece of advice... The drama place is in front of the Venetian Hotel, while most people enter from the back side of the hotel. This back side is the totally opposite direction of the front, if you're going to the front from outside, you need to roundabout the huge Venetian (too tired and I gave up) Because I can't go to the front from inside the hotel. There are casinos on the way. And I'm currently in underage so... 


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